Monday, November 22, 2010

Book Review: Everyday blessings. The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting

This is an amazing book. Period.

Someone gave me this book when my son was first born, and I have to say this book has been monumental for me in offering insight and just basic common sense in how to parent. To me, it's been like a very wise relative you can call when you just don't know what your going to do and you feel like your kids are going to literally going to crack you. It's saved me. It shifts me immediately into my better self, a calm, rational, wiser self that can see a situation for what it is and the possible underlying causes, instead of always being in "reacting" mode, or "stressed mom" mode. Here's a quote:

"Becoming a parent may happen on purpose or by accident, but how it comes about, parenting itself is a calling. It calls us to recreate our world every day, to meet it freshly in every moment. Such a calling is in actuality nothing less than a rigorous spiritual discipline - a quest to realize our truest, deepest nature as a human being. The very fact that we are a parent is continually asking us to find and express what is most nourishing, most loving, most wise and caring in ourselves, to be, as much as we can, our best selves."

It's a great gift to yourself or a new mom. This will be by my bedside for sure this holiday season.

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