Sunday, January 9, 2011

Calm week ahead

I've been busy. Open house this weekend and another birthday party.  Feeling a little out of balance, but this week is low key and I'm going to take full advantage.

So I'm not in organizing mode right now but I've heard alot of chatter lately that there is an New Year's organizing trend happening, so I thought I'd share this photo. In my next house, when I have more pantry space (fingers crossed), this is what I will aspire too.  I love order, so ofcourse this is perfection for me.

I also love being able to use glass instead of plastic and the idea of buying in bulk, therefore saving money. I made a decision this weekend after chatting with a relative who is particularly good at saving money on food to buy bulk snack items instead of the prepacked snack foods for lunch boxes. Not to name names but snack packs of veggie booty are way over priced! So I'm going to try stick to raisins, pretzels,  fresh whole fruit, nuts and blue corn chips. We'll see if my kids get on board!

As for containers, I know alot of people who use the BPA-free Bento lunch boxes for kids lunches. I try to stay away from plastics altogether so I've been using LunchBots and Kids Konserve containers. They are a small initial investment but it's so worth not having to use plastic bags over and over. And there is no worry about chemical leakage from plastic. And they are dishwasher safe ofcourse.  Isn't it great we have all of these options! You can go to their direct website, but also find deals on Amazon.

What am I missing - any other frugal, eco ideas or products for school lunches out there?

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to use those lunch bot thingies. I think I am going to invest because I seem to be buying plastic bags every week, which I loathe. Also, I reuse jam containers for storing things and drinking glasses as we are working on easing the plastic out too.
