Sunday, November 21, 2010

Child Artwork Collages

Just saw this on Gwyneth Paltrow's blog I'll confess, but it's so great. I wondering how long I should wait until I either contact the artist to get a quote or start thinking about how I can do this myself. Because don't all moms have mounds and mounds of artwork from our kids? And I can't bring myself to part with any of it but at the same time I don't like the clutter it creates. 

The woman who creates these prints, Jan Eleni, is a Brooklyn based interior designer who specializes in children's rooms, all of her designs are spirited and fun, exactly right for a child's room. Here are a few photos pulled from her portfolio that I favor. See more at

Another inspiring tidbit: Here's a great quote from Jan Eleni I found from an interview she did with Decor8.  "At the moment I think we are experiencing design overload – every where you turn – there is an ultra-designed home or a product more outrageous than the last. I think so much of it is silly. Too contrived. You can start to lose perspective on what is good design." I could not agree more! Well said Jan!


  1. I love the collage idea!

  2. is there a link where you can purchase? Love this idea!
