I noticed this last week on the shelf of my local bookstore. My instinct was to quickly scan the book to find out what the top ten list was and then move on, but upon further thought I decided I should just get the darn book. And I will but I wanted to tell you about the book first (I might download the book tonight as a matter of fact and just share the top 10 list with you all later).
In the meantime, and on this very important subject matter, here are two blogs I love that also help with the challenge of finding your personal centeredness and finding more balance in your life. Yes both are about yoga but regardless they are great websites filled with great information for busy woman.
www.yogahealer.com (you have to dig around a bit on this site, but the good info is there. She has some great download-able interviews under resources too)Enjoy! And I'll be back for a part two on the book once I read it!